Conference 24.11.2023

SDIA Green Coding Summit 2023

Our first hands-on workshop for our community!

We are joining as a workshop organizer for the Green Coding Summit by the SDIA this year and will bring you a 5 hour workshop where we introduce many tools around green software development and techniques to measure and greenify your projects.

Workshop detailed description

The first session will introduce hardware and software concepts to read energy data with further steps to convert it to CO2 metrics. In addition, indirect energy metrics from network and cloud services are discussed with current approaches to approximate them using linear and non-linear machine learning models.

During the second session the Green Metrics Tool and ECO-CI will be used ‘hands-on’ to measure container based software as well as a standard Github/Gitlab CI/CD pipeline - This will feature setting up these tools, generating measurements, comparing metrics and understanding typical caveats when conducting energy and CO2 measurements of software.

How to join the conference and the workshop

Please note that the workshop is part of the conference. It is free but you must register for the conference itself and not here on meetup only (see link below). We strongly advise that you also join the conference as all the important heads from the Green Coding community will be there and most of the content and techniques will also be highlighted. The workshop is meant as the hands-on practicioners part. Also you can meet us in a non-workshop atmosphere before and connect :)

Get your ticket & join us! (Limited places!) Visit the SDIA Green Coding Summit 2023 website

Summit Conference & Workshop - 23+24 November

The unique two day Summit starts with a Conference hosted within Berlin’s historic French Dome, sharing Knowledge, Debate & Insights - The conference will showcase and share the extensive work being developed by the thought leaders advancing Green Coding tools & practices. Learn, Connect, Code - See the full Summit details here

Join us in making software more sustainable!

English speaking event

Slide-Deck PDF

Here are the slides to our workshop.

Download Slides
